Masker 4ply Steril: Kolaborasi Inovasi PT Energi Sterila Higiena dan PT Kasa Husada Wira Jatim

Oktober 27, 2020

Surabaya, 27 October 2020 – PT Kasa Husada Wira Jatim (Kasa Husada), as one of the leading BUMDs in East Java, has various products that are needed by the public. PT Kasa Husada Wira Jatim produces medical devices such as gauze and sterile cotton for medical and cosmetic purposes. Also produces maternity sanitary napkins and cloth masks. The need for sterile products led Kasa Husada to meet with PT Energi Sterila Higiena (Ensterna).

Responding to the challenges of the current pandemic, product hygiene, and sterility are needs to be fulfilled. Ensterna as a provider of sterilization services using e-beam & x-ray technology is ready to be a solution to the country’s sterilization needs.

The gathering between Kasa Husada and Ensterna eventually gave birth to an innovation collaboration. The need for sterile products from the market is the basis for Kasa Husada’s drive to continue providing products. Then, Ensterna’s ability to provide standardized sterile services is also a solution to this need. This collaboration leads not only to existing products at Kasa Husada. This collaboration also leads to innovative products that can be developed together.

Penandatanganan MoU dan Kontrak Kerjasama Ensterna dan Kasa Husada

Kerja sama ini kemudian diterjemahkan menjadi kerja sama yang disepakati dan ditandatangani oleh Ensterna dan Kasa Husada. Penandatanganan kerjasama dilakukan dalam rangka East Java Fair di Grand City Convex pada 23 Oktober 2020.

One of the innovative products that were collaborated on was the production of sterile 4ply masks. Seeing the market need for masks and the absence of truly sterile masks, this innovation was realized. The mask will be branded “KASAHUSADA Disposable Face Mask Sterilized by E-Beam “. Not only masks, but other products, and other innovations will also continue to be developed through this collaboration.


Responding to the challenges of the current pandemic, product hygiene, and sterility are needs that must be met. Ensterna as a provider of sterilization services using e-beam & x-ray technology is ready to be a solution to the country’s sterilization needs.

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